Tips for Fresh Breath

Tips for Fresh Breath

Oral Health Dentists Grandville Mi

Halitosis or bad breath haunts some people and won’t seem to go away.

Bad breath affects about 25% of people globally. If this is the case for you, it doesn’t have to be.

In fact, we have three tips you need for fresh breath! Continue reading to learn more about how to keep your breath fresh. At Grandville Dental Health Center, our teeth cleaning dentists in Grandville, MI can help you get to the root of the problem.

How To Have Fresh Breath

Clean Your Tongue

The first thing you should do is clean your tongue. This can help you have fresh breath because it can wash away the odorous bacteria that live on the tongue. It’s best to brush it after you have brushed your teeth. You can also use a tongue scraper throughout the day.

Drink Water

The second thing you should do is drink water. Water not only helps wash away the bacteria in the mouth, but it can also wash away any stuck food particles between the teeth causing bad breath. Water can also help prevent dry mouth, which can cause bad breath. So, make sure to sip on water throughout the day – keep a water bottle with you or keep an eye out for drinking fountains.

Avoid Smoking

The third thing you should do is avoid smoking. Smoking can cause severely bad breath, and it can affect your entire health, so it’s best to avoid it altogether.

For more information about having fresher breath, please call Grandville Dental and talk to a member of our dental team. If your bad breath still doesn’t go away after these tips, it’s best to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you!

Bad breath can be a sign of oral health issues. To schedule a teeth cleaning appointment, give our office a call at (616) 531-0360.